The current threat landscape is rapidly advancing, with cybercriminals constantly upgrading their toolset to break through security defenses. If you want to outsmart malicious hackers, it’s time to start thinking like them. Fend them off with various layered defense methods. This is what Defense in Depth (DiD) is all about. The National Institute of Standards…
Think Beyond Basic Backups to Tackle Ransomware
Although ransomware has long been a serious concern for business owners worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has created new opportunities for this threat to flourish, and the attack vector is likely to become even more dangerous in the coming years. According to a report, 304 million ransomware attacks occurred globally in 2020, affecting over 65% of…
Create a secure culture for your hybrid workforce
Tools are only as good as their users. This should be your guiding philosophy as the world shifts to a hybrid work model to deal with the complexities posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. While it’s great to define and implement essential security controls and tools, if it isn’t backed up by workforce buy-in and participation,…
Your Biggest Cybersecurity Risk: Your Employees
Cybercriminals work round the clock to detect and exploit vulnerabilities in your business’ network for nefarious gains. The only way to counter these hackers is by deploying a robust cybersecurity posture that’s built using comprehensive security solutions. However, while you’re caught up doing this, there is a possibility you may overlook mitigating the weakest link…
The Dangers of the Inbox
Every now and then, an email with a catchy subject line appears in your inbox and you end up clicking on it, either because you’re curious about the subject line or because you assume the sender is trustworthy. Unfortunately, this is how most cyberattacks tend to begin – with a single click. What unfolds next…
Common-Sense Tips to Reduce Your Cyber Risks
At Infonaligy, we deal with many companies who approach us for assistance with improving their organizational cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is a complex topic with lots of moving parts. Very few organizations have an IT environment that could be classified as ‘simple’, and what works in one environment may not work in another. Starting with a solid…
Ransomware costs up, causes 10-day downtime
As Ransomware continues to rise, new reports are showing an increase in the impact towards organizations. Here are a few that were covered: Cyber criminals are cashing in so we will continue to see an increase an phishing scams and attacks on Remote Desktops. We are only as strong as our weakest line, so what…
Florida city pays $600k to hackers
Another victim to the thousands of cyber attacks on local governments and city offices. This time the criminals were paid quite handsomely. Can your organization afford to spend $600k in ransom then another million to replace all hardware? How did the hackers get in? Someone clicked on a phishing email because they had no security…
Ransomware only attacking Small to Medium sized businesses.
ZDNet talks through the focus of most ransomware and the shift towards the SMB space. According to the latest report by Kaspersky, hackers using this ransomware target smaller companies as their are easier targets and the seizure of their data is more catastrophic. This makes them pay the ransom a lot faster. See if you’re…
Why are non-profits a target for hackers?
In a recent article , KIRO radio discuss the impact a food bank saw after their entire business was compromised. “What we’ve sort of learned through the process is if you try to pay a guy for your stuff back it’s still going to come to you damaged. It’s still going to be about 40…