The current threat landscape is rapidly advancing, with cybercriminals constantly upgrading their toolset to break through security defenses. If you want to outsmart malicious hackers, it’s time to start thinking like them. Fend them off with various layered defense methods. This is what Defense in Depth (DiD) is all about. The National Institute of Standards…
Is Your Supply Chain Resilient?
The significant upheavals of the last couple of decades, such as the global recession and the COVID-19 pandemic, have demonstrated that firms will suffer severe setbacks if their supply chains are not resilient. An entire supply chain becomes vulnerable if one component is exposed to risk, just like a house of cards will topple if…
Cyber resilience is key to building a resilient organization
Global events, such as recessions and pandemics, create enormous social and economic challenges that impact organizations and their management. From employee and customer satisfaction to financial difficulties, supply chain disruption, and skyrocketing cyberattacks, top-level management oversees many concerns. As business owners aim to address multiple challenges that may threaten their organizations’ success, resilience is a trending buzzword….
5 Security Risk Analysis Myths in the Healthcare Industry
The COVID-19 pandemic threw multiple challenges at the healthcare industry. First, the sector saw a steep increase in demand, leading to the collapse of health infrastructures in different parts of the world. What’s more, the industry experienced an unprecedented cybercrime surge. According to a report, the most attacked sector in 2020 was healthcare, and experts…
Think Beyond Basic Backups to Tackle Ransomware
Although ransomware has long been a serious concern for business owners worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has created new opportunities for this threat to flourish, and the attack vector is likely to become even more dangerous in the coming years. According to a report, 304 million ransomware attacks occurred globally in 2020, affecting over 65% of…
4 Reasons Cyber Security Attack Surfaces Are Expanding
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted individuals and businesses all over the world in one way or another. Almost overnight, it disrupted the way people went about their daily routines and how companies operated. Amidst all the chaos, changes to the cyber landscape increased at an unprecedented pace. Some of the trends that powered these changes and…
Why Attacks on Critical Infrastructure Are Dangerous
Critical Infrastructure (CI) comprises physical and cyber assets vital for the smooth functioning of societies and nations across the globe. However, the sectors that make up critical infrastructure differ from one country to another. For example, the USA considers 16 sectors to be vital as opposed to 13 in the U.K. As a result, the…
5 Tips for Better Compliance and Cybersecurity
When you run a business, compliance, and security are two essential factors. Both are equally important for the seamless operation of your business. While compliance helps your business stay within the limits of industry or government regulations, security protects the integrity of your business and sensitive data. It is worth noting that although security is…
Create a secure culture for your hybrid workforce
Tools are only as good as their users. This should be your guiding philosophy as the world shifts to a hybrid work model to deal with the complexities posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. While it’s great to define and implement essential security controls and tools, if it isn’t backed up by workforce buy-in and participation,…
Make Hybrid Work Environments Secure
The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented shift in the way people work. Although most companies relied on a fully remote work model initially, the vaccine rollout has led to the popularization of hybrid work environments. A hybrid work environment has elements of both the traditional on-site work model and the remote work model. Employees can…